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Information to Use & How to Object to the Proposed Three Mineral Sites near Stisted

Information to Use & How to Object to the Proposed Three Mineral Sites near Stisted


There are three ways to object to the proposed A89 quarry at Kings Lane, Stisted, the A92 quarry off Doghouse Road, Pattiswick and A93 off Water Lane, Stisted site and they are: 

  1. Online ECC form at:
  2. Email: – Probably the recommended method as you can copy and paste more easily
  3. Post: Freepost RTKH-XUBZ-CJZS, Essex County Council, Minerals Planning Consultation, County Hall, Chelmsford, Essex, CM11QH.

When writing your objection please add any additional nuggets of information you have to make your comment unique from other people’s comments.

In your opening paragraph please add any comments that add weight to the personal side of your objection, e.g. how long you have been resident, some of you were born bred in Stisted, you visited and stayed with family when you were a child, you went to the school etc

Reminder: All responses must to be submitted by 5pm Tuesday 9 April (updated from 19 March due to significant public interest)

On the parish council website, you will find various documents to assist you in submitting your comments.

They include:

  • A blank template including various sub-headings for you to use and adapt for your response
  • An example of a completed response provided by Paul Thorogood our County Councillor
  • A number of topic-based sheets from which you can copy and paste to compile your response.
  • Copy of presentation ‘Save the Stisted Three’ as used at meeting on Wednesday 21st February
  • Relevant text from Tony Dunn’s Presentation (Chair of Bradwell and Pattiswick PC) – to follow
  • Crash Map data
  • A ‘how to guide’ for the on line portal to aid on-line responses.

If you require any assistance please contact Alan Routledge via email –

We are intending to organise a drop-in clinic for those villagers who may need help or do not have access to internet to assist in writing a response.

Final reminder: Please ensure that your name and address is included in your response. Otherwise it will be ignored.


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